Testimony: WIVI Vision will change the way you do vision therapy
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With these words Víctor G. Molina, optometrist at Tu Visión El Bierzo, sums up his experience of using WIVI Vision to assess and improve the visual efficiency of his patients.
Professionals who use our technology consider it to be a clinical aid to assess and train patients’ vision in an objective and personalized way. And users only have to play with video games supported by Artificial Intelligence.
The persistence of the effects of vision therapy with WIVI Vision
One of the advantages that Víctor highlights in his testimony and which has attracted his attention from a clinical point of view is the persistence of the effects of the visual training:
“There is one thing that caught my attention from a clinical point of view: the persistence of the effects of the therapy. There were people who did the therapy, completed the objectives, reached the values you set and, some time later, they came back. But not with WIVI”.
Thanks to the combination of new technologies that our system integrates, it is able to accurately and objectively assess more than 50 parameters of 5 visual areas in a comprehensive manner. After the results of the evaluation, the system applies a personalized visual training to each patient and their visual dysfunctions, where they only have to play with interactive and personalized video games.
In addition, the specialist can access reports with assessment and evolution values to help them to make objective decisions with each of the patients in visual therapies. And as Víctor points out, with 12-minute assessment sessions and 20-minute visual training sessions, patients solve their visual problems in 3 months without regression.
We would like to thank Victor for his testimonial and for trusting WIVI Vision to assess and improve people’s visual efficiency with new technologies.
If you also wish to join the digitalization of the optical sector with WIVI Vision, we will be pleased to help you! Contact us for more information.