Innovation commitment to improve vision health by means of a unique user experience

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Optimoda magazine reports on the worldwide launch of WIVI Vision in partnership with Natural Optics Group.

In their article, Optimoda highlights the bid of Natural Optics Group for WIVI, a software solution based on artificial intelligence and the IBM Watson technology. The WIVI solution measures and corrects vision issues, providing precise data on each patient. This allows for a precise, real data-based evaluation and monitoring.

WIVI is here to stay, and it will become the eyes’ physiotherapist

According to Optimoda, “WIVI is here to stay… and it will become the eyes’ physiotherapist”. “If there is anything defining Natural Optics Group”, continues the article, “it is our highly holistic approach to vision and audition treatments. We work in line with our partners, looking for integral solutions for the visual and audition needs of our patients”.

WIVI brings innovative advantages to patients, optometrists and owners of optical shops

The WIVI Technology brings innovative advantages to patients, optometrists and owners of optical shops. For patients: WIVI describes more than 50 different ocular parameters. Each training session takes only 20 minutes. This means that WIVI is the most powerful visual treatment tool in the market. The patients’ experience is further enhanced by gamification. The patient’ experience becomes interactive and personalized, thanks to artificial intelligence, IBM Watson and the technology created by eHTS. Its playability adapts itself to each patient and engages it to the game-patients do not notice that they are being measured. This is one of the key features of WIVI. Patient engagement and involvement prevents treatment dropout, as happens so often in visual therapy.

What are WIVI’s advantages?

WIVI provides precise data to optometrists. This gives them a precise information, and, even more important, allows them to treatment efficiency through solid, tangible data. With WIVI, “There is a noticeable improvement” in professional imaging.

WIVI has innovative advantages

The COVID-19 lockdown highlighted the importance of visual efficiency issues. These include binocular vision, reading skills or visual perception, among others. It is in these fields where WIVI makes easier the optometrist’ job. Until now, the treatment of these issues were time and resource consuming. Standard visual therapy is long and costly and the abandonment rate is high. WIVI brings their solution to that problem: assessment time is 15 minutes instead of 1 hour, and trainings sessions only require 20 minutes. WIVI does not take time to the optometrist. It is a unique patient experience. It produces automatic reports with precise and reliable data.